Company Information
Board of Directors |
Executive Directors |
Ms. NGAI Lai Ha (Chairman) Mr. LAU Pak Fai Peter (Honorary Chairman) |
Independent Non-Executive Directors |
Mr. MANG Wing Ming Rene |
Registered office |
Cricket Square, Hutchins Drive |
Headquarters in Hong Kong |
20th Floor, Tower B |
Company website |
Auditors |
PricewaterhouseCoopers |
Legal advisers |
Deacons |
Company secretary |
Mr. Lee Chung Shing |
Audit committee |
Mr. MANG Wing Ming Rene (Chairman) Mr. NG Sze Yuen Terry |
Remuneration committee |
Mr. MANG Wing Ming Rene (Chairman) Ms. NGAI Lai Ha |
Nomination committee |
Ms. NGAI Lai Ha (Chairman) |
Hong Kong Share Registrar |
Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited |
Principal bankers |
Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited |
Share information |
Stock code: 1373 (The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited) |
(Investor Relations